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Riles Reads: Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis

If you're looking for a primer into the history of prisons as they currently exist in the US, and the way they are inextricably tied to racist, classist, sexist ideals, look no further. Angela Davis' Are Prisons Obsolete? walks us from the beginning of the penitentiary and follows through

Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis for Soft Heart Book Club by Riles

 What were we doing before we just locked people away? Are prisons really reducing crime? What could we be doing instead? Pick up a copy of this book an investigate these questions. If we want to change the world, we also need to change how we handle punishment and justice. 

We're reading this as part of the Soft Heart Book Club, and if you also want to read and learn with folks trying to better themselves and change the world, come join us! 

Thank you for being here 👋 I'm a queer creative based in Barcelona working to be a good human and contribute to a world full of joy & care for ourselves and for future generations.

I want to work together to help you create the world you want to live in. I write, make art, and create community spaces for us to to share thoughts, feelings, & opportunities for us to explore together. Being human is hard, but we can make it easier for each other. I believe in us. 💜

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